3D Body Scanning
Give our 3D Scan team a call! 952-252-3474
Laser Design is able to successfully use 3D scanning technology to obtain 3D images and models of an individual body part or the entire human body without safety risk to people, magnetic radiation or special markers. 3D body scanning services can take thousands of measurements in seconds, making this an ideal solution for full body digitizing and human body modeling.
- Orthopedic
- Prosthesis
- Wheelchairs
- Post-trauma care
- Plastic surgery
- Sports & biometrics applications
- Fashion industry, apparel & accessories
- Body shape – health & fitness analysis
- Custom made clothing & footwear
- Custom consumer products
- Product design & development
- Computer Graphics & Animation
- Entertainment and movie sets
- Creation of realistic 3D avatars
- Creation of figurines
- and so much more!